The PRmoment Awards Regional Champions programme

The PRmoment Awards are all about creating a meritocracy. Very simply, the best work wins. It’s no more complicated than that.

Over the last ten years, the public relations sector has grown massively. We have seen an increase in the scope, ambition, and budget of PR campaigns. This is fantastic news for the PR sector and recognition of the outstanding talent that works in public relations.

Alongside this trend, we’ve seen increasingly complex and innovative campaigns happen at a regional level. These campaigns often deal with local issues, have particular stakeholders, and pretty much always have a much lower budget!

There are many examples of smaller budget campaigns and agencies winning the PRmoment Awards.

That said, it’s clear that there is a need for a forum where we can reward outstanding regional work. That's where the PRmoment Awards Regional Champions come in!

How it works?

To be clear, this is not another awards scheme. You will not have to pay more to enter the PRmoment Regional Champions programme; it’s part of the PRmoment Awards scheme. When you enter the PRmoment Awards, there will be a drop-down option to enter into one of these regions:

Our PRmoment Awards jury scores all of the entries, and the top scorers in each region will become our regional champions in the relevant categories.

We’ll announce our regional champions on and profile the agencies and the work on this page. We’ll also supply our winners with digital PRmoment Regional Champion assets. A selection of the regional champion agencies will also feature on a special PRmoment Podcast looking at the type of work coming out of smaller, local PR firms in the UK.